Vocabulary of Chinese Beverages, Chinese Drinks


Knowing the Chinese names for different kinds of drinks is important. This article will provide you essential Mandarin Chinese vocabulary word list for drinks

Vocabulary of Chinese Beverages, Chinese Drinks

Vocabulary of Chinese Beverages, Chinese Drinks

Knowing the Chinese names for different kinds of drinks is important. This article will provide you essential Mandarin Chinese vocabulary word list for drinks and beverages.

龙井茶 lóng jǐng chá: Dragon-well tea
鸡尾酒 jīwěijiǔ: cocktail 
香槟杯 xiāngbīn bēi: champagne glass 
香槟 xiāngbīn: champagne 
雪碧 xuě bì: Sprite
铁观音 tiě guān yīn: Tie Guanyin
酒 jiǔ: alcohol 
软木塞 ruǎnmù sāi: cork 
起子 qǐzi: corkscrew 
西瓜汁 xī guā zhī: Watermelon juice
葡萄酒 pútáojiǔ: wine
葡萄汁 pú táo zhī: Grape juice
茶壶 cháhú: teapot 
茶 chá: tea 
苹果汁 Píng’guǒ zhī: Apple juice
芒果汁 máng guǒ zhī: Mango juice
绿茶 lǜ chá: Green tea
红酒 hóngjiǔ: red wine 
红茶 hóng chá: Black tea
矿泉水 kuàng quán shuǐ: Mineral water
白葡萄酒 bái pútáojiǔ: white wine 
瓶盖 píng gài: cap 
牛油果汁 niú yóu guǒ zhī: Avocado juice
牛奶 niúnǎi: milk 
煮水壶 zhǔ shuǐhú: kettle 
热水 rè shuǐ: Hot water
热巧克力 rè qiǎo kè lì: Hot chocolate
漏斗 lòudǒu: funnel 
渴 kǒu kě: thirst 
水 shuǐ: water 
气泡水 qì pào shuǐ: Sparkling water
橙汁 chéngzhī: orange juice 
橙汁 chéng zhī: Orange juice
椰子汁 yē zǐ zhī: Coconut juice
柠檬汁 níng méng zhī: Lemonade
果汁 guǒzhī: fruit juice 
果汁 guǒ zhī Juice
杯 bēi: mug 
普洱茶 pǔ ěr chá: Pu'er tea
小方冰 xiǎo fāng bīng: ice cube 
小壶 xiǎo hú: jug 
威士忌 wēishìjì: whiskey 
壶 hú: pitcher 
塑料杯 sùliào bēi: plastic cup 
啤酒瓶 píjiǔ píng: beer bottle 
啤酒 píjiǔ: beer 
咖啡 kāfēi: coffee 
吸管 xīguǎn: straw 
可乐 kělè: Cola
卡布奇诺咖啡 kǎ bù jī nuò kāfēi: cappuccino 
利口酒 lìkǒu jiǔ: liquor 
凤梨汁 fèng lí zhī: Pineapple juice
冰水 bīng shuǐ: Ice water
保温瓶 bǎowēn píng: thermos flask
乌龙茶 wū lóng chá: Oolong tea