How to say goodbye in Chinese


再见 zài jiàn is the most common way to say goodbye in Chinese which means see you again

goodbye in chinese

How to say goodbye in Chinese

How to say goodbye in Mandarin Chinese? How many ways can you say goodbye in Chinese? In day to day speaking, these are the kind of phrases you can look to use to say goodbye in Chinese. 再见 zài jiàn is the most common way to say goodbye in Chinese which means see you again.

Hello in Chinese
Thank you in Chinese
How are you in Chinese

再见 zài jiàn: See you again

拜拜 bài bài: Bye bye

(有空)再会 (yǒu kòng) zàihuì: Until we meet again

再联系 zài liánxì: Let’s stay in touch

再会! zài huì: Meet you again

告辞 gào cí: I’m leaving

失陪 shī péi: Excuse me, but I must be leaving now

失陪一下: Excuse me, but I must leave you for a while.

有空再聊 yǒu kòng zài liáo: Whenever you’re free, let’s chat again

拜拜啦! bài bài la: Bye bye!

我不得不说再见了 Wǒ bùdé bù shuō zàijiànle: I’ve got to go

我先告辞了 wǒ xiān gào cí le: I must leave first (polite)

失陪了 shī péi le: Sorry for leaving (very polite)

一会儿见 yī huǐ er jiàn: See you in a while

回头见 huí tóu jiàn: See you later

[Specific Date] + 见 -> 周一见 [zhōu yī jiàn]: see you on Monday’

挂了啊 guà le a: I’m going to hang up

后会有期 hòu huì yǒu qī: We will meet again, hopefully

保重 bǎo zhòng: Take care

留步 liú bù: I’ll show myself out

明天见 míngtiān jiàn: See you tomorrow.

下午见 xiàwǔ jiàn: See you this afternoon.

下周见 xià zhōu jiàn: See you next week.