100 Daily Used Short Sentences in Chinese: Master Mandarin with Two Words


Here’s a list of 100 useful two-word sentences in Mandarin Chinese. These sentences cover greetings, responses, questions, commands, and more. They are great for learners who want to communicate simply and effectively.

100 Daily Used Short Sentences in Chinese Master Mandarin with Two Words

100 Daily Used Short Sentences in Chinese: Master Mandarin with Two Words

Learning Chinese doesn’t have to be overwhelming! If you’re a beginner looking to quickly pick up useful phrases, starting with short sentences is a fantastic way to build your foundation. In this article, we’ll focus on two-word Chinese sentences that are used in everyday conversations. These phrases are perfect for practicing basic communication, and you’ll find yourself using them in no time!

Whether you're traveling to China, chatting with Mandarin-speaking friends, or practicing on your own, these bite-sized sentences will boost your confidence and get you speaking like a local. Plus, they’re super easy to remember!

Why Learn Two-Word Sentences?

  • Simplicity: These phrases are easy to learn and pronounce.
  • Versatility: You can use them in various contexts.
  • Daily Use: They’re perfect for everyday conversations and situations.

100 Short Sentences to Use Daily

Here’s a list of 100 useful two-word sentences in Mandarin Chinese. These sentences cover greetings, responses, questions, commands, and more. They are great for learners who want to communicate simply and effectively.

No Chinese Phrase English Translation
1 你好 (Nǐ hǎo) Hello
2 再见 (Zài jiàn) Goodbye
3 谢谢 (Xièxie) Thank you
4 对不起 (Duìbuqǐ) Sorry
5 没事 (Méi shì) No problem
6 小心 (Xiǎo xīn) Be careful
7 赶快 (Gǎn kuài) Hurry up
8 休息 (Xiū xí) Take a rest
9 加油 (Jiā yóu) Keep going
10 快点 (Kuài diǎn) Hurry up
11 等等 (Děng děng) Wait
12 来吧 (Lái ba) Come on
13 进去 (Jìn qù) Go in
14 出来 (Chū lái) Come out
15 吃饭 (Chī fàn) Eat
16 睡觉 (Shuì jiào) Sleep
17 喝水 (Hē shuǐ) Drink water
18 上车 (Shàng chē) Get on
19 下车 (Xià chē) Get off
20 开门 (Kāi mén) Open the door
21 关门 (Guān mén) Close the door
22 坐下 (Zuò xià) Sit down
23 站起 (Zhàn qǐ) Stand up
24 安静 (Ān jìng) Be quiet
25 别吵 (Bié chǎo) Don’t make noise
26 放手 (Fàng shǒu) Let go
27 抓住 (Zhuā zhù) Hold on
28 停止 (Tíng zhǐ) Stop
29 开始 (Kāi shǐ) Start
30 冷静 (Lěng jìng) Calm down
31 继续 (Jì xù) Continue
32 出发 (Chū fā) Set off
33 结束 (Jié shù) End
34 走吧 (Zǒu ba) Let’s go
35 上班 (Shàng bān) Go to work
36 下班 (Xià bān) Finish work
37 起床 (Qǐ chuáng) Get up
38 出门 (Chū mén) Go out
39 回来 (Huí lái) Come back
40 买单 (Mǎi dān) Pay the bill
41 便宜 (Piányí) Cheaper
42 太贵 (Tài guì) Too expensive
43 没空 (Méi kòng) No time
44 有空 (Yǒu kòng) Have time
45 去吧 (Qù ba) Go ahead
46 别走 (Bié zǒu) Don’t leave
47 问问 (Wèn wèn) Ask
48 试试 (Shì shì) Try it
49 看看 (Kàn kàn) Take a look
50 听听 (Tīng tīng) Listen
51 想想 (Xiǎng xiǎng) Think about it
52 学习 (Xué xí) Study
53 工作 (Gōng zuò) Work
54 赚钱 (Zhuàn qián) Make money
55 问题 (Wèn tí) Question
56 回答 (Huí dá) Answer
57 喜欢 (Xǐ huān) Like
58 不要 (Bù yào) Don’t want
59 可以 (Kě yǐ) Can
60 不能 (Bù néng) Cannot
61 记得 (Jì dé) Remember
62 忘记 (Wàng jì) Forget
63 走路 (Zǒu lù) Walk
64 跑步 (Pǎo bù) Run
65 打开 (Dǎ kāi) Open
66 关闭 (Guān bì) Close
67 进去 (Jìn qù) Go in
68 出来 (Chū lái) Come out
69 休息 (Xiū xí) Rest
70 起床 (Qǐ chuáng) Get up
71 洗澡 (Xǐ zǎo) Take a shower
72 看书 (Kàn shū) Read a book
73 过来 (Guò lái) Come here
74 跟我 (Gēn wǒ) Follow me
75 放心 (Fàng xīn) Don’t worry
76 不行 (Bù xíng) Not okay
77 可以 (Kě yǐ) Is it okay?
78 没法 (Méi fǎ) No way
79 来吗? (Lái ma?) Will you come?
80 走开 (Zǒu kāi) Go away
81 回家 (Huí jiā) Go home
82 太棒 (Tài bàng) Awesome
83 出门 (Chū mén) Go out
84 别忙 (Bié máng) Don’t rush
85 放假 (Fàng jià) Take a holiday
86 太慢 (Tài màn) Too slow
87 再说 (Zài shuō) Talk later
88 做吧 (Zuò ba) Do it
89 买吧 (Mǎi ba) Buy it
90 停止 (Tíng zhǐ) Stop
91 开始 (Kāi shǐ) Start
92 来了 (Lái le) Coming
93 要走 (Yào zǒu) Need to leave
94 快来 (Kuài lái) Come quickly
95 慢点 (Màn diǎn) Slow down
96 回头 (Huí tóu) Look back

These two-word Chinese sentences are incredibly helpful for beginners. They are short, easy to memorize, and cover everyday situations, so you can start using them immediately. Whether you’re traveling, working, or just hanging out with Mandarin-speaking friends, these phrases will help you connect and communicate effortlessly.